
Cybersecurity Essentials for SMBs: A Comprehensive Cybersecurity Checklist

In the current landscape dominated by cyber threats targeting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), VND emphasizes the crucial need for robust cybersecurity practices. SMBs encounter diverse challenges, ranging from email hacks and impersonation attacks to password breaches, with consequences extending beyond financial losses to severe reputational damage. Such incidents often lead to business closures within six months of an attack. The vast array of cyber threats faced by SMBs includes data breaches, ransomware, phishing, IP spoofing, and sophisticated DDoS assaults. As the digital realm evolves, the complexity of these threats increases, underscoring the urgency of a comprehensive and proactive cybersecurity approach.

The checklist at a glance 

  1. Website Security
  2. Email Security Enhancements
  3. Backup Strategies
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 
  5. Password Policy
  6. Device Security
  7. Human Factor in Cybersecurity
  8. Compliance and Best Practices
  9. Technology and Vendor Choices
  10. Software Updates
  11. Password Storage techniques

VND’s Cybersecurity Checklist

Facing an increase in cybersecurity threats, Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) need a strong defense strategy. Our guide, developed by the VND team in 2024 due to a spike in cybersecurity service inquiries, aims to empower SMBs against AI-related risks. It outlines a layered approach for enhanced security, emphasizing both prevention and rapid response.

Cybersecurity focuses on protecting against digital threats through continuous monitoring, encryption, and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools. IT Security, on the other hand, secures physical assets, employing access controls, surveillance, and secure storage to safeguard hardware. Together, these strategies offer a comprehensive defense against a range of threats.

The List: Actionable Cybersecurity Measures:

  1. Website Security:

·      Regularly update and patch website software.

·      Implement HTTPS for secure communication.

·      Conduct regular vulnerability assessments.

·      Employ malware scanners and intrusion prevention systems.

·      Configure a website firewall such as Sucuri or Imperva to screen access requests and enforce tight controls.

  1. Email Security Enhancements:

·      Enable spam filters and use email authentication protocols.

·      Train employees to recognize phishing attempts.

  1. Backup Strategies:

·      Implement both cloud and physical backups to safeguard critical data.

·      Employ malware scanners and intrusion prevention systems.

·      Configure firewalls to screen access requests and enforce tight controls.

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is like having multiple locks on your front door. Instead of just a key (password), you also need a special code sent to your phone. With MFA, you prove your identity with two or more methods, adding an extra layer of security. It’s like having both a key and a secret handshake to make sure only you can access your online accounts. While it’s not always available, it should be used whenever possible for enhanced security.
–  Enforce MFA across all accounts and platforms.

·  Limit MFA use to systems that safeguard high-value assets.

  1. Password Policy:

·      Require strong passwords with a mix of characters (and longer than 6 characters).

·      Enforce regular password changes for added security.

·      Provide a secure password manager for all network users.

Password Management: VND advises updating passwords at least every three months or immediately following a security breach, with more frequent updates for roles with administrative access.

Do not share the same passwords with all employees.

  1. Device Security:

Mobile Phone Security:

·      Educate employees on the risks of social engineering and malicious app installations.

·      Implement mobile device management (MDM) solutions.

Securing Remote Work:

·      Ensure secure user access via VPNs or secure remote access software.

·      Deny access from insecure public Wi-Fi networks.

·      Implement IP allow lists and adaptive access controls.

·      Ensure all computers (remote and on site) have an anti virus setup and running an active/current license.

  1.   Human Factor in Cybersecurity:

Awareness and Training:

·      Conduct regular cybersecurity training sessions.

·      Utilize resources from partners like “Security Metrics” for items such as vulnerability scanning and proactive hacking.

Promote Cybersecurity Training:

·      Emphasize the importance of staff training in the context of security best practices.

  1. Compliance and Best Practices:

Payment Systems (PCI) and Healthcare (HIPAA):

·      Ensure compliance with industry-specific standards. PCI compliance safeguards customer’s payment data, while HIPAA compliance safeguards medical patient data.

·      Implement vulnerability scanning and maintain proper documentation.

·      Enforce strong password policies.

  1.  Technology and Vendor Choices:

Hardware and Software Selection:

·      Choose reputable routers and security software.

·      Regularly update and patch all systems with the latest security updates.

Vendor Management:

·      Vet vendors for security protocols, track their own compliance and update your list frequently.

·      Assess third-party partners for security policies.

·      Treat third-party accounts like employees, adding them to centralized access management systems.

  1. Software Updates: 

Timely Patching

·      Automate updates for all network applications and devices. This applies to local hardware, phones, websites, etc.

·      Regularly audit software updates and consult threat databases for awareness.

  1. Password storage techniques:
    1. Use password vaults such as iCloud password manager or others to store your account passwords.   

How VND Supports SMBs in Cybersecurity

At VND, we take pride in offering a diverse range of cybersecurity services crafted for small and medium-sized businesses. Our process commences with an extensive consultation, where we delve deep into the intricacies of your organization’s cybersecurity terrain. Armed with this profound understanding, we furnish strategic recommendations and expert guidance, paving the way for a fortified and secure environment. In today’s intricate cybersecurity landscape, our solutions stand as essential tools for SMBs seeking to navigate and safeguard their digital assets effectively.

Ready to fortify your cybersecurity defenses? Contact us today and embark on a journey towards a resilient and secure business environment. Our dedicated team is here to address your specific needs and provide the expertise you require for comprehensive cybersecurity protection.

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